Martina Murphy practice focuses on employment,  group litigation and professional discipline.

Martina’s “advocacy is excellent”, as is her ability “to relate to clients and really understand their aims“.

She regularly appears unled in the appellate courts including the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) and the Court of Appeal on high-profile and, or test cases. She appeared in two (of seven) appeals reported in the Industrial Relations Law Reports (IRLRs) in November 2024 (Rollett & Ors v BA and Leeks (see below)).

In Rollett she succeeded in the EAT (and the ET below), the decisions making new law in holding that s.19 Equality Act 2010 does permit claims of associative indirect discrimination (BA v Rollett & Ors, Minister for Women and Equalities intervening [2024] IRLR 891). Martina acted as lead counsel on behalf of two collectives and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). The appellate decision arose in the context of group employment litigation (arising out of the controversial ‘fire and rehire’ process during the COVID-19 pandemic).

Martina’s cross-over knowledge of human rights is sought after in employment cases. She is currently instructed on two cases representing respondents in the fast-developing area of ‘worker status’ and International Law.

Green v Lichfield, is the first ET case to determine that a member of the clergy (an assistant curate) potentially has ‘worker’ status for bringing a Whistleblowing Detriment claim, applying the ‘Gilham’ extension and Article 14 and Article 10 Convention rights (The Revd. Green v The Lichfield Diocesan Board of Finance, Case no 2409635/2022 (17/8/23))

She has recently been instructed as the senior junior in the test case over the employment status of Foster Carers Oni and others v London Borough of Waltham Forest and others (3204635/2021 & others (21/1/25).

She has also recently been led by Andrew Short KC in the Court of Appeal case of R (on the application of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and others) v (1) HMT and (2) The SoS for the Home Department [2024] Pens. L. R. 10; a pensions, public law and discrimination case where the potential quantum was valued at £19 billion+.

Martina increasingly works with clients in the financial services sector and has particular experience in those cases involving whistleblowing and complex discrimination (eg Adem v HSBC plc, January 2025).

Martina was also recently successful before the EAT in Leeks v UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [2024] IRLR 866. The EAT provided new and important clarification for costs applications: a refusal to enter judicial mediation or assessment can in principle amount to unreasonable conduct which could result in an award of costs.

Martina is also the current Chair of the Employment Law Bar Association (ELBA).

In the Directories, she is ranked as a leading junior for both Employment and Professional Discipline:


“Martina’s advocacy is brilliant.” (Chambers & Partners, 2025)

“Martina is really firm, doesn’t take nonsense, but you know she’s got your back. She’s able to moderate her style well to the environment and is smooth and able to deal with whatever comes up.” (Chambers, 2025)

“Martina is very tactical and experienced in ET and is good at knowing what will work with a judge.” (Chambers 2025)

“Martina is as sharp as a tack. She’s very technical, really strategic in her thinking and is friendly with a real team focus.”(Chambers, 2025)

“Martina is a very astute tactician and a highly effective cross-examiner.” (Legal 500, 2025)

“Martina is a real whiz. She is well read and up to speed as well as being very user-friendly.” “Her attention to detail and responsiveness are key strengths.” (Chambers and Partners, Leading Junior, 2024)

The quality of her written work and advocacy is impressive, she is unflappable…” “She has a good eye for detail and she is very tenacious” (Leading Junior, Chambers 2022)

Martina is quick to grasp complex legal and factual issues. She is client-focused, practical and technically excellent” (Chambers, 2023).

Bright, thorough and easy to work with, and she has a great ability to comprehend the factual scenario and to get to grips with the points of law and formulate a pragmatic approach.” (Legal 500, 2022)

She “possesses expertise in whistle-blowing matters, including those arising in the medical profession.” (Chambers, 2021).

Technically excellent, well prepared, detailed, and great with clients. She inspires confidence in clients with clear pragmatic advice. She is also liked by employment judges because she moves the hearing along, especially in cross-examination.” (Legal 500, 2021).


Martina has a broad employment, commercial and equality law practice including the areas of whistleblowing and discrimination. She is regularly instructed in complex trials in the Employment Tribunal with weighty documentary and oral evidence.

She is ranked as a leading Employment junior in both Chambers and Partners and the Legal 500 for her advocacy, advisory and investigative skills. She is regularly instructed in sensitive, high-profile (for example, a group action against a major airline BA v Rollett & Ors, Minister for Women and Equalities intervening, in a whistleblowing detriment and dismissal case against a serving Labour MP, Cohen v Mahmood MP and the first case to determine a member of the clergy can have worker status (Green v Lichfield Diocesesan Board of Finance and the Bishop of Lichfield).

Recent instructions include:

  • Oni and others v London Borough of Waltham Forest and others (3204635/2021 & others) 21 /01/2025: instructed as senior-junior to Ben Collins KC (Old Square Chambers). Test case on the employment status of foster carers; domestic construction (W v Essex (CA)), EU law and HRA construction.
  • Adem v HSBC plc (January 2025); Martina was instructed on behalf of the Claimant. A complex whistleblowing, bullying/ harassment disability discrimination claim and unfair (including wrongful) dismissal claim by a former investment banker. Involved allegations of multiple breaches of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Individual Conduct Rules for senior managers.
  • R (on the application of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and others v (1) HMT and (2) The SoS for the Home Department[2024] EWCA Civ 355, [2024] Pens. L. R. 10, led by Andrew Short KC.
  • Group employment litigation arising from mass ‘fire and rehire’. Rollett & Ors v British Airways plc (2023), ET and BA v Rollett & Ors, Minister for Women and Equalities intervening [2024] EAT 131, [2024] IRLR 891. Established jurisdiction for ‘Chez’ type indirect associative discrimination claims under s.19 Equality Act. Cited in Harvey, Division L, 3, a, [291.04].
  • Kikwera v Salvation Army Trading Company Limited [2024] EAT 49. Provided clarification on difficult unfair dismissal cases where there is a cross-over between capability and performance reasons.  Unusually, here the capability issues were non-medical. Observations were made upon the differences, and similarities, in a fair approach when an employer considers dismissal for capability compared to misconduct.  Cited in Harvey (Div. DI and Q).
  • Revd. Green v the Lichfield Diocesan Board of Finance. A clergy status test case (the ‘Gilham’ extension) on behalf of the Diocese. Martina acted for the Respondents in the first Employment Tribunal case to determine that a member of the clergy (assistant curate), had ‘worker’ status for the purposes of bringing a whistleblowing detriment claim, applying the ‘Gilham’ extension applying Article 14 and Article 10 Convention rights. (The Revd. Green v The Lichfield Diocesan Board of Finance, Case no 2409635/2022 (17/8/23)).
  • Ms Nkechi Leeks v University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [2024] EAT 134. Martina acted for the successful appellant in arguing that a refusal to enter judicial mediation or assessment can amount to unreasonable conduct for costs.
  • M v a healthcare provider (2023, EAT & 22-day ET). Whistleblowing detriment and dismissal. Category ‘A’ EAT appeal on attribution/reason for dismissal (applying Jhuti (SC)).
  • Cohen v K Mahmood MP (2022, ET). Whistleblowing detriment and dismissal claim by former parliamentary advisor against Labour MP (succeeded on both on behalf of C). Cohen v Mahmood [2023] EAT 144.
  • Baker v House of Commons Commission (2022, ET) High-value (£1m+) and high-profile disability discrimination and personal injury claim.
  • RK v Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (2020, ET). First ET ever to appoint Registered Intermediary. Led to Presidential Guidance on Vulnerable parties/witnesses (April 2020).
  • D v E [2023] EAT 66. Novel indirect sex discrimination. Alleged group disadvantage: men more likely to be accused of serious sexual misconduct. Permanent Restricted Reporting Order granted (to protect Convention Rights).
  • Singh v Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust (2023, EAT) Last straw doctrine (constructive dismissal) and the ‘Williams’ refinement.
  • Matthaus v (1) MBNA (2) Paymaster (1836) Ltd (T/A Equiniti Hazell Carr) (2023, EAT) Worker/agency status and victimisation appeal.
  • Urso v Department for Work and Pensions [2017] IRLR 304, [2017] C.L.Y. 778. Authority that direct dismissal can constitute harassment. Knowledge of disability (effects not specific condition). Cited in Harvey.
  • Baker v Abellio London Ltd UKEAT/0250/16/LA. Correct approach to right to work checks in context of unfair dismissal scandal; a precursor to the Windrush scandal. Re-formulated grounds of appeal and obtained permission (full appeal went on to be reported [2018] IRLR 186; [2017] All ER (D) 172 (Oct)) – high profile).
  • Dye v Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (2016, EAT) Employer’s reason for dismissal and repudiatory conduct. Cited in IDS.

Martina’s employment law expertise complements her notable professional disciplinary and regulatory practice. She was shortlisted for Advocate’s Pro Bono Barrister of the Year Award 2021, largely as a result of her ongoing work as case leader on GMC v M.

  • Greene v Davies [2022] 4 W.LR. 45, 6 C.L. 143 Court of Appeal [2022] Abuse of process (collateral attack) in disciplinary proceedings (SDT). High-profile. Successful on behalf of the Respondent.
  • GMC v M (2021, MPT) 6-day professional discipline hearing. Client cleared of all serious allegations including dishonesty.
  • Holder v Nursing and Midwifery Council [2017] EWHC (Admin) 1565 Judicial review of decision to strike nurse off the professional register.

Martina’s experience in complex and high-value employment litigation has led to her instruction on a number of group employment claims including:

  • Oni and others v London Borough of Waltham Forest and others (3204635/2021 & others) 21 /01/2025: instructed as senior-junior to Ben Collins KC (Old Square Chambers) on behalf of the London Borough Respondents. Test case on the employment status of foster carers; domestic construction (W v Essex (CA)), EU law and HRA construction.
  • Group employment litigation arising from mass ‘fire and rehire’. Rollett & Ors v British Airways plc (2023), ET and BA v Rollett & Ors, Minister for Women and Equalities intervening [2024] EAT 131, [2024] IRLR 891. Established jurisdiction for ‘Chez’ type indirect associative discrimination claims under s.19 Equality Act. Cited in Harvey, Division L, 3, a, [291.04].
  • Group redundancy and breach of contract – Successfully represented over 30 claimants in a group redundancy and breach of contract claim.

Related updates

Martina Murphy is regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and holds a current practising certificate. If you are not satisfied with the service provided, please click here.

"Martina's advocacy is brilliant."; "Martina is very tactical and experienced in ET and is good at knowing what will work with a judge."; "She's able to moderate her style well to the environment and is smooth and able to deal with whatever comes up."; "Martina is really firm, doesn't take nonsense, but you know she's got your back."; "She's very technical, really strategic in her thinking and is friendly with a real team focus."; "Martina is as sharp as a tack."

Employment, Chambers & Partners 2025

'Martina is a very astute tactician and a highly effective cross-examiner.'

Employment, Legal 500 2025

"Martina is a real whiz. She is well read and up to speed as well as being very user-friendly."; "Martina is a robust lawyer who is very bright, technically good but also practical."; "Her attention to detail and responsiveness are key strengths."

Employment, Chambers & Partners 2024

To find out more, contact Nick Levett +44 (0)20 7427 4908 or Mark Gardner +44 (0)20 7427 4909 for a confidential discussion.

Our dedicated practice management team can help you identify the right barrister for your case.

  • Member of Employment Law Bar Association
  • Chair of the Employment Law Bar Association (ELBA)


  • Member of Industrial Law Society (ILS)
  • Member of Employment Lawyers Association
  • Member of Administrative Law Bar Association
  • Member of Bar Council’s Flexible Working Group
  • Member of Bar Council’s Race Working Group
  • Member of British Medical Association’s (BMA) Panel Counsel
  • Member of Metropolitan Police Panel Counsel

  • Contributory Editor, Harvey on Employment and Industrial Relations (2022 to date)
  • Social Class as a protected characteristic? ELA Briefing March 2022
  • Vulnerable parties and witnesses in employment tribunal proceedings, ELA Briefing June 2020
  • Covert recordings: does the end justify the means L? (with and Jane Wheeler, Keystoneaw) ELA Briefing, 4 February 2020
  • Ensuring strong equalities legislation after EU Brexit (2016), (with Rachel Crasnow QC) on behalf of the Employment Law Bar Association (ELBA) to Parliament’s Women and Equality Committee’s Inquiry;
  • ‘Mandatory gender pay gap reporting: what you need to know’ (2016), Employment Law round-up (2015), LexisNexis webinars with Ed Stacey, PwC
  • Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act (SBEE) 2015, Legal Network TV (LNTV)
  • Equal pay: gender pay gap reporting (2016) (with Ed Stacey), and Zero hours contracts; Contributor to Westlaw’s Insight Employment Law Encyclopaedia (2015-16)

Masters (LLM), Labour Law, London School of Economics and Political Science
Shortlisted for Advocate’s Bar Pro Bono Junior of the Year 2021

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