Insights / News
Insights / News
Crypto’s continued rapid, complex evolution impacting many fields of Law requires ongoing discussion and analysis. The ‘Crypto in Disputes Forum’ squares up to and tackles the hard legal questions involved in managing and litigating digital assets.
The Forum will begin at 9:00am to 5:00pm with a total of nine sessions, followed by a drinks reception. Helen Pugh of Outer Temple Chambers will be speaking alongside Henry Farris of Withers and Jonas Habert of Enyo Law from 11:10am to 12:00pm on the topic of ‘Evaluating Litigation Costs in Cryptocurrency Disputes as Opposed to Arbitration’. This session will focus on:
To view the full agenda of The Crypto in Disputes Forum, click here.
This is an in-person event. To book your place at the Forum, click here.
Helen specialises in general commercial litigation, civil fraud, contentious insolvency and company law issues, and professional negligence.
Her practice has a strong international element with expertise in jurisdictional disputes and conflict of law issues, including as they arise at an interim stage in applications for worldwide freezing orders and service out applications or on the substantive claim, and in the cross-border insolvency context.
Helen is a member of Chancery Bar Association, Commercial Law Bar Association, Thought Leaders 4 Fraud, Insolvency, Recovery and Enforcement and the Female Fraud Forum.
To find out more about Helen, contact George Bennett on +44 (0)207 427 0807.
News 24 Jun, 2024