Insights / News
Insights / News
The DIFC Laws Certificate Programme is a course organised by the DIFC Academy. Over the course of a 7-month programme, it aims to provide education and training in common law and DIFC laws and courts procedures to civil law lawyers, DIFC Courts practitioners, Emirati advocates, In-house counsel and other professionals whose work involves exposure to common law systems and jurisdictions.
There are three parts to the Advanced Advocacy course given by Outer Temple Chambers barristers, each part over two days.
The first part of the course was led by James Counsell KC and Justina Stewart. Within their talk, they focused on ‘Trial advocacy and witness handling and examination’ and their training involved talking on the topic, practical workshop training, and an advocacy exercise/mock trial.
The second talk was given by John McKendrick KC and Nicholas Hill. They discussed oral submissions and appeal advocacy, and ran practical workshop training with advocacy exercises and mock hearings.
Jonathan Hand KC and David Holloway led the third and final Advanced Advocacy session. The first day dealt with appeal advocacy, including presentations and workshops on written and oral advocacy. The second day was the Advocacy Assessment when all of the participants took part in an oral hearing held at the DIFC Court.
Please click here to find out more about this year’s Advanced Advocacy Skills (DIFC Laws Certificate).
The awards ceremony is an opportunity for the DIFC Academy to acknowledge the valuable contribution of Lecturers and Speakers who took part in this programme. Head of Chambers, James Counsell KC, who will be attending this ceremony remotely on behalf of Outer Temple Chambers said:
“Outer Temple Chambers has been involved in the Academy’s advocacy training for a number of years now and, each year, the quality of the delegates improves. As a chambers with strong links to Dubai and the Middle East, we are delighted to be involved with this course and look forward to being able to contribute in future years.”
James Counsell KC is widely recognised in the fields of Clinical Negligence and Professional Negligence, Financial Services and in Personal Injury, acting both for claimants and for defendants.
His financial services work includes claims in the Middle East where he has recently acted for the successful appellant in a high profile, law-changing appeal where the Court went against its previous practice and refused to impose a stay in a case where one party had litigated in the DIFC court and the other in the local courts.
James is a Head of Chambers (Head of Governance).
To find out more, contact Paul Barton on +44 (0)207 427 4907 or Graham Woods on +44 (0)20 7427 4902 for a confidential discussion.
News 28 Nov, 2022