News & Events
News & Events
Event Date: 7 Nov, 2024
We are delighted to invite you to our ‘Contempt of Court In Commercial Disputes’ Breakfast Seminar on Thursday, 7th November at The Reform Club, London. You are invited to join Outer Temple Chambers for a breakfast seminar focusing on contempt of court in commercial disputes in the Business and Property Courts. With the Law Commission Consultation Paper closing on 29 November 2024, high profile committals of Soophia Khan, Graham Darby and Tommy Robinson, and near-misses for Katie Price and Oleg Deripaska, contempt of court is an essential part of a commercial litigator’s toolkit. Members of Outer Temple’s commercial and business crime teams together with guest speakers will discuss a range of contempt matters across three panels: Panel One – ‘Caselaw…
Outer Temple’s Helen Pugh, James Leonard KC and Charlotte Elves were instructed in Commercial Bank of Dubai SC & Ors v Al Sari. The Court of Appeal handed down judgment which clarifies the law on alternative service in contempt proceedings. The Court of Appeal have clarified the law on alternative service in contempt proceedings in an important judgment handed down in Commercial Bank of Dubai SC & Ors v Al Sari [2024] EWCA Civ 643. The Court of Appeal accepted the submission of the 1st Appellant (represented on appeal by Helen Pugh of Outer Temple Chambers) and 2nd Appellant (represented on appeal by James Leonard KC and Charlotte Elves) that an order permitting alternative service in a previous phase of…
News 13 Jun, 2024
Join us to hear from our leading pensions law barristers on Thursday 16th of May 2024 for an afternoon of talks at the second stop of this conference series around the country. You are invited to join the Outer Temple’s pensions team for an afternoon of talks, covering all things pensions law on Thursday 16th May 2024. Topics will include: the Avon judgment, section 57 of the Trustee Act 1925, defending contribution notices, and notable non-pensions cases for pensions lawyers. The event will be rounded off with a panel discussion comprised of Outer Temple’s silks, followed by early evening networking drinks. Agenda 1.30pm – Registration 1.50pm – 2.00pm – Welcome & Introduction 2:00pm – 2:30pm – Severing the bad from…
Join us to hear from our leading pensions law barristers on Thursday 18th of April 2024 for an afternoon of talks on pensions law at the first stop of this conference series around the country. You are invited to join the Outer Temple’s pensions team for an afternoon of talks, covering all things pensions law. Topics will include: the Avon judgment, an update on Pensions Ombudsman cases, defending contribution notices and notable non-pensions cases for pensions lawyers. The event will be rounded off with a panel discussion comprised of Outer Temple’s silks. Agenda 1.30pm – Registration (tea, coffee & pastries on arrival) 1.50pm – 2.00pm – Welcome & Introduction 2:00pm – 2:30pm – Severing the bad from the good: a…
Outer Temple Chambers’ digital assets, and banking and finance experts advised the DIFCA on innovative new laws on Digital Assets and secured transactions in September 2023, which have now been enacted. The new Digital Assets Law is considered to be ground-breaking as it is the first legislative enactment to comprehensively set out the legal characteristics of digital assets as a matter of property law, to provide for how digital assets may be controlled, transferred and dealt with by interested parties and to introduce an impairment regime that addresses the unique characteristics of digital assets. The new Law of Security is influenced by the UNCITRAL Model of Secured Transactions and significantly enhances DIFC’s securities regime to keep pace with international developments…
News 14 Mar, 2024
We are delighted to announce that our Technology, Data and Crypto team have been awarded Set of the Year at the Legal 500 Bar Awards 2023. The Legal 500 Bar Awards took place on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at London Hilton, Park Lane. Andrew Spink KC, Justina Stewart and Sam Carter attended the awards evening and proudly accepted the award for Technology, Data and Crypto Set of the Year. The awards are determined on The Legal 500’s market-leading independent research, conducted by over 20 in-house and freelance researchers with in-depth knowledge of their practice areas for the annual directory. Winners are selected by a judging team spearheaded by Bar editor Will Tolcher, deputy Bar editor Charlotte Meredith, and publishing director…
News 4 Oct, 2023
On 27 September, the DIFC published Consultation Papers[1] on a new Digital Assets Law, new Law of Security and proposed amendments to a wide range of DIFC Laws.[2] See the DIFC’s press release here. The proposed new laws and amendments constitute a first-of-its-kind approach to digital assets and secured transactions. The Consultation Papers and draft laws are the culmination of months of work by the DIFC Authority and a team of OTC’s digital assets and banking and finance experts: Andrew Spink KC, David Russell KC, Nicolas Stallworthy KC, Justina Stewart, Henry Reid, Joshua Cainer, Anson Cheung and Charlotte Elves alongside Hin Liu from Oxford University. Key points: The work has involved extensive analysis of, not only academic literature and approaches…
News 2 Oct, 2023
Outer Temple Chambers are delighted to have recently taken on new pupils Charlotte Elves and Katherine Hampshire, who commenced their pupillage with us on 1st September 2022. We are pleased to welcome new pupils Charlotte Elves and Katherine Hampshire to our set. We are sure that they will gain excellent experience and thrive during their pupillage at Outer Temple Chambers. Charlotte Elves Prior to starting pupillage, Charlotte was the Singer Fellow in Medical Law and Ethics at Exeter College, University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the regulation of emerging technologies and public health law, and she has published on issues ranging from the UK Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic to the regulation of human embryo research. Charlotte says…
News 6 Sep, 2022