News & Events
News & Events
Will Young looks at quantification of dependency claims under the Fatal Accidents Act after a mesothelioma case, Rix v Paramount Shopfitting Co Ltd, is heard in the Court of Appeal. The Deceased in this case, Mr Rix, was exposed to asbestos by the Defendant in the 1970s. He developed mesothelioma and died in 2016 aged 60. His widow brought a claim against the Defendant under the FAA for damages including a claim for loss of financial dependency. The background In the High Court, the Defendant had argued that there was no loss of dependency as the Claimant had inherited the business, which remained profitable after Mr Rix’s death (indeed it had become more so). Hence it was said that there…
News 13 Dec, 2021
You are invited to join Outer Temple Chambers and guests for an afternoon of seminars and discussions. This will be a hybrid event, taking place in London and streamed online. The Agenda 1:30pm: Event Chair – Gerard McDermott QC will open and close this event1:45pm: The Great Escape: the scope of Article 4(3) – Ian Denham and Carin Hunt 2:15pm Product Liability and Clinical Negligence claims in France – Daniel Clarke and Solenn Le Tutour (Advocat, France)2:45pm: Recent issues with Rome II – Geert van Calster (Advocat and Academic, Belgium)3: 15pm Panel Discussion – Chaired by Sarah Crowther QC with: Eliot Woolf QC Will Young Louise Howard (Lanyon Bowlder) Jennifer Lund (Irwin Mitchell)4:00pm – Drinks at Middle Temple Bar Gerard McDermott QC, Barrister Gerard McDermott QC is a…
Events 5 Aug, 2021
Daniel Barnett will be holding 30 employment law webinars over 3 weeks from 1st – 19th March 2021 to raise £30,000 for the Free Representation Unit. Daniel Barnett’s webinars will raise funds for the FRU, which has been providing representation in social security and employment tribunals for those who are not eligible for legal aid and cannot afford legal fees since 1972. Our members will be joining Daniel’s webinars to discuss the following topics: Health and Safety with Gus Baker Monday 1 March 2021 at 3:30pm ACAS Early Conciliation with Andrew Short QC Thursday 4 March 2021 at 3:30pm Employee Data, Monitoring and Privacy with Jeremy Scott-Joynt Friday 5 March 2021 at 9:30am Changing Terms and Conditions with Lydia Seymour Monday…
News 2 Mar, 2021
At the time of writing (December 2020), we remain in the transition period, where we will remain until 31st December 2020. Generally things have remained the same, in terms of the applicability of pre-Brexit rules, and will continue to do so until the end of the transition period. The question, though, is what will happen after? The easy part is applicable law: because Rome I and II do not depend on reciprocity (and can have effect to apply the law of a non-signatory state), the UK courts can continue to apply the rules contained in Rome I and II despite the UK’s departure from the EU, and that is what they will do – see The Law Applicable to Contractual…
Webinars & Recordings 17 Dec, 2020
Is demonstrating a breach of local safety regulations the only way to show that reasonable care has not been taken by the suppliers of holiday services in the context of a package holiday claim? No, said Marcus Smith J, in the recent case of Morgan v TUI UK Ltd. The Claimant went on a package holiday to Mauritius, organised by the Defendant Tour Operator. One evening whilst there, she was returning to her hotel room from dinner along an outside, unlit sun terrace adjacent to the swimming pool, when she collided with a heavy wooden sunbed and fell, suffering injuries to her knees, face and head. The standard of reasonable care She brought a claim against the Defendant under the…
Legal Blogs 16 Dec, 2020
Speakers from Outer Temple Chambers were delighted to be joined by The Rt Hon Sir Ernest Ryder and Sarah Castle for a webinar looking at the current and future role of litigation friends. Watch the full webinar here. The role of a litigation friend for those who lack capacity is changing rapidly and at Outer Temple Chambers, members have experience ranging from the parole board to private client cases, far beyond the traditional scope of clinical negligence, personal injury, professional negligence and Court of Protection work. To explain these developments and what it may mean for the future, our panel of experts was led by The Rt Hon. Sir Ernest Ryder who, as Senior President, has made a major contribution…
Webinars & Recordings 3 Aug, 2020
Outer Temple invites you to a webinar on Litigation Friends, with Gerard McDermott QC, Will Young and Katarina Sydow. Members of Outer Temple Chambers will provide an update on Litigation Friends on Wednesday 29th July at 12pm. The panel will be chaired by John McKendrick QC. Key Note Speaker: Rt. Hon. Sir Ernest Ryder Guest Speaker: The Official Solicitor, Sarah Castle Webinar Details Date: Wednesday 29th July 2020 Time: 4:30pm via Zoom To book a place at this webinar please register here. Click here to book your place now
Events 7 Jul, 2020
Gerard McDermott QC & Will Young Present an Employment Law Webinar on Personal Injury Claims in Employment Tribunals. As part of the 28 barristers – 14 day Employment Law Series, Gerard McDermott QC & Will Young present a Q&A Webinar on Personal Injury Claims in Employment Tribunals. Gerard and Will recently presented this webinar in a series of employment law seminars put together by Outer Temple’s Daniel Barnett. Gerard and Will spoke and answered questions about personal injury claims in the Employment Tribunal – when such claims can be made, and the particular issues that often arise. Much of the discussion focussed on the difficult questions of causation that such claims often involve, as well as the medical evidence required…
Webinars & Recordings 1 Jun, 2020
The judgment has now been handed down in the EAT in the case of Read v Ryder. Will Young appeared for the successful appellant in the case, which gave guidance in relation to the question of precisely when the Employment Tribunal has jurisdiction to hear an employer’s counter-claim. The EAT in Read v Ryder accepted Will’s argument that for the Tribunal to have jurisdiction, the claimant must have unambiguously (i.e. expressly) have brought a claim ‘by virtue of’ the Employment Tribunals (Extension of Jurisdiction) Order 1994, or to have brought a claim that could only have been brought by virtue of the Order. Notwithstanding the relatively small sum at stake in the case itself, the decision may be of wider…
News 21 Mar, 2019
Limitation period for lodging appeals: Two members of Outer Temple Chambers, Saul Margo and Will Young, acted recently for the successful Appellants in joined appeals in the Court of Appeal. These joined cases contain new guidance regarding extensions of time for lodging appeals to the Employment Appeal Tribunal. In both cases (Bonnie v DWP and Rana v LB Ealing), the Appellants had their claims dismissed in the ET and sought to appeal to the EAT. Similarly, in both instances the ET sent the judgment/reasons to the Appellants’ previous legal representatives, who had in fact come off the record and ceased acting for them. This resulted in the Appellants receiving the judgment/reasons some time later than they would have done, thus…
News 25 Sep, 2018
Outer Temple Chambers was delighted to welcome both valued clients and members of the Bar at last night’s launch of the ‘APIL Guide to Accidents Abroad’, held at our London offices. General Editor: Sarah Crowther QC Contributors: Daniel Clarke, Gerard McDermott QC, Eliot Woolf QC, Ian Denham, Chloë Bell, Harry Trusted, Will Young and Pierre Janusz. The evening was undoubtedly the ideal opportunity to rub shoulders with the great and the good of the Travel law world. It was also a great time to speak to our Travel law team who were out in force. The book – a joint APIL and LexisNexisUK publication – is available to purchase from LexisNexis and via Amazon. Sarah is a specialist in all claims for injury, illness…
Events 20 Sep, 2018
Our Cross-Border and International claims team is hosting a seminar on jurisdiction in cross-border tort claims on Monday 12th March 2018. The session will be held from 5pm to 6pm, at our London offices, and will include a Q&A section followed by drinks. The panel speakers include Sarah Crowther QC, Dan Clarke and William Young, all specialists in claims for injury, illness or accident involving an international element. During the session, they will discuss the outcome of the jurisdiction challenge in the Brownlie v Four Seasons Supreme Court decision, and what it means for jurisdiction in international claims. If your caseload includes jurisdiction disputes in civil and commercial matters of a non-contractual nature, including personal injury and economic tort claims, and you…
Events 8 Mar, 2018