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Clinical Negligence


Doctor found guilty of misconduct escapes any sanction

Anthony Haycroft has successfully defended a Glasgow based trainee GP in the Medical Tribunal Practitioners Service in October 2012. The doctor was accused by the General Medical Council of a series of sexual misconduct charges including rape of a girl who is now a doctor.

News 5 Nov, 2012

Fiona Horlick secures the acquittal of doctor in Crown Court trial

Fiona Horlick represented a well known GP who was charged with sexually assaulting a patient over a 15 year period. The patient was in her late 60s by the time of trial and disabled. She gave evidence for 4 days at Cambridge Crown Court earlier this month.

News 14 Oct, 2012

Robert Dickason secures complete revocation of interim order at the GDC

Robert Dickason has successfully argued at the GDC for the revocation of an interim order on the basis of the authority in Calhaem v GMC. Although only at the interim stage, the evidence presented by the GDC could not be said to be a fair reflection of the registrant’s work. It followed that a finding of impairment based on deficient professional performance was unlikely and so the continuation of the interim order was unnecessary.

News 26 Sep, 2012

Fiona Horlick has secured 5 triumphs in a row at the GMC

Representing a number of doctors from consultant level downwards, Fiona has succeeded in ensuring that there has been no findings of impaired fitness to practice against her clients. The allegations have ranged from sexual assault on patients to dishonesty to clinical errors.

News 18 Sep, 2012

Inquest into infant death at Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Hospital

Samantha Presland appeared recently on behalf of the family of a baby girl at the inquest into her death at a hospital run by Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust. Ava Parkes died at just seven hours old after one of her shoulders was trapped against her mother’s pelvis during birth (shoulder dystocia). The coroner found that the delay between delivery of the baby’s head and the rest of the body placed her under increasing stress, with her brain being starved of oxygen. The coroner returned a narrative verdict, finding that the baby took significantly longer to be delivered than the notes of NHS staff suggested. Ava Parkes’ family has called for the NHS to review their systems to ensure no repeat…

News 13 Sep, 2012

NHS outsourcing – the implications for clinical negligence litigation

Jonathan Hand and Patrick Sadd are guest speakers at AvMA’s North West Lawyer’s Support Group meeting on 5th November 2012. They will give a presentation on the implications for clinical negligence litigation of NHS Outsourcing. For more info please contact Norika Patel at AvMA on 020 8688 9555 email:

Events 11 Sep, 2012

GMC case gets underway following Baha Mousa Public Inquiry

Alan Jenkins instructed to represent army doctor Dr Keilloh at GMC proceedings which commenced 11th June 2012. The doctor has been accused of covering up the death of the Iraqi detainee Baha Mousa, who suffered 93 separate injuries at the hands of British soldiers.

News 11 Jun, 2012

Clinical Negligence conference in Exeter

Date: 18th June 2012 – 10:30 to 16:00. Venue: The Peter Chalk Centre, Exeter University. This year Outer Temple Chambers is holding its annual clinical negligence conference in the West of England. The conference will be of interest to both specialist litigators in this field as well as mainstream personal injury practitioners and is designed to bring you up to date with a range of important developments. Chambers is charging a registration fee of £25 per delegate, all of which is going to Headway Devon, a local charity that provides essential services across Devon and Torbay for people with acquired brain injuries, their families and carers. Topics: Causation after Bailey Article 2 Inquests Coroners’ Reform US Trial Presentation De Puy…

Events 22 May, 2012

Anthony Haycroft successfully defends GP in GMC

Anthony Haycroft has successfully defended a Preston GP who was a paediatric specialist in the GMC accused of lying and perjury. The GP faced allegations in connection with two patients. The first was a 3 week old baby who died the day after the GP saw the baby in February 2009 of a very rare condition, myocarditis.

News 14 May, 2012

GMC ‘fitness to practice’ decision favourable to defendant Doctor

Anthony Haycroft has defended a single handed general practitioner at a fitness to practice panel hearing in the General Medical Council. The doctor faced numerous failings including alleged dishonesty in retrospectively altering clinical notes as well as failings concerning missed referrals, not following up blood test results and not having a proper system to action over 500 pieces of correspondence found in his room.

News 24 Apr, 2012

Ben Bradley obtains rule 43 recommendation in respect of Ambulance Service practice

Ben Bradley, instructed by Anthony Gold to represent the family of the deceased, successfully invited HM Coroner for NW London to make a rule 43 recommendation to the London Ambulance Service (“LAS”). LAS currently automatically cancels ambulances in circumstances where patients are triaged into the lowest category of severity. The coroner will ask LAS to review the manner in which it communicates this cancellation to service-users. At present, service-users could be left with the impression the ambulance is still on its way. The coroner was not critical of LAS but has recommended that their systems be reviewed. The coroner also found that failings on the part of one of the NHS Trusts involved in the care of the deceased, contributed…

News 24 Apr, 2012

Central Manchester University Hospitals v Browne

Judgment was handed down today at the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the case of Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v Browne. Mr Browne who was represented by Andrew Short QC and Andrew Allen at the EAT, was successful in resisting the Trust’s appeal.

News 10 Feb, 2012

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