News & Events
News & Events
Outer Temple Chambers is delighted to be partnering with the DIFC for a talk on DIFC legislative reform at the Thought Leaders 4 FIRE Summit on Tuesday 14th November 2023 at the Shangri-la Hotel Dubai. Join Outer Temple’s David Russell KC, Andrew Spink KC, Nicolas Stallworthy KC and Justina Stewart in their discussion with Jacques Visser and Katherine Nixon of the Dubai International Financial Centre on the topic of ‘Understanding Major Legislative Reform in Dubai of Digital Assets, Smart Contracts and Secured Transactions’ at the Shangri-la Hotel in Dubai between 3:40pm – 4:20pm. The talk will highlight the groundbreaking DIFC legal reforms on digital assets, smart contracts and secured transactions. Book your place Perfectly timed with Dubai Arbitration Week and…
Events 8 Nov, 2023
Sean Yates has been published in an article for the Journal of International Dispute Settlement titled ‘New international commercial courts: a delocalized approach’. The Journal of International Dispute Settlement covers all forms of international dispute settlement and focuses particularly on developments in private and public international law that carry commercial, economic and financial implications. The article highlights that new international commercial courts can be analysed by examining how their features differ from those of their domestic counterpart courts and from those of international commercial arbitration. This conceptual tool is termed delocalization. Higher and lower levels of featural differences, or delocalization, may affect a new court’s reception, whether local actors can participate in the new court and the new court’s relations…
External Publications 9 Oct, 2023
Outer Temple Chambers is delighted to welcome Joshua Ray, a US/UK qualified barrister, to its International Team. Joshua Ray joined Outer Temple in September as a Professional Associate, splitting his time between London and New York. He is a member of the UK Bar, New York State Bar and Washington State Bar, and specialises in Business Crime, Sanctions, International Arbitration and Commercial Litigation. He started his legal career at Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP in New York, moving to Kobre & Kim LLP in New York before moving to their London office and then joining specialist disputes firm CANDEY, where he remains a Partner. Josh is the founder and co-chair of the London Sanctions Advisors Association, an independent group of…
News 4 Sep, 2023
We are pleased to announce that Philip Punwar has been nominated to join the Court Users’ Committee (CUC) in the DIFC (established in 2006 and acts as a liaison between the DIFC Courts and its users). The Court Users’ Committee is an independent liaison body between the DIFC Courts and Court users, with the brief of supporting cost effective and professional service provision. Philip Punwar of Outer Temple Chambers will be part of the committee alongside fellow members Jacques Visser of DIFC Authority, Tom Montagu-Smith KC of 3 Verulam Blgs amongst others, chaired by Amna Al Owais. Find out more Philip is an English qualified practitioner with more than twenty-five years’ arbitration experience. He has been resident in Dubai since…
News 14 Jun, 2023
Outer Temple Chambers is delighted to announce the expansion of the Middle East team. Three impressive international lawyers join us in Dubai, broadening our client specialist services in commercial law, private wealth and Islamic law. Oliver Agha brings extensive experience in Islamic Law and Walid Chiniara in ultra-high net worth (UNHW) Middle Eastern families governance. Shabana Saleem specialises in private wealth. They will work alongside our existing Dubai based members David Russell KC, Philip Punwar and Sean Yates in the International Team, covering international arbitration and commercial matters. Oliver, Walid and Shabana enhance the strong team of Outer Temple barristers already successfully working in the DIFC and Middle East markets and the wider team of international commercial specialists working from London…
News 16 May, 2023
Outer Temple Chambers is pleased to be part of London International Disputes Week (LIDW23) for a week long event from 15-19 May 2023 which will explore how the disputes community is, and should be, adapting to a changing world. Members of chambers will be presenting at four talks. With its theme: Adapting to a Changing World, LIDW23 will follow up on last year’s theme “Global, Sustainable, Ethical” and will feature a combination of a varied technical programme combined with the usual variety of social and networking events to enable participants to share ideas, to make new contacts and connections and to renew old acquaintances. Outer Temple Chambers’ barristers will collaborate with other experts and speakers for four talks during the event…
Events 11 May, 2023
Dr Ali Almihdar has co-authored an article for International Construction Law Review on international construction contracts in the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia with Joseph Chedrawe of Covington & Burling. It has been said that the laws applicable to disputes arising in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are a black box – complicated, inaccessible, hidden, mysterious. For many years, Saudi Arabia has been home to some of the world’s biggest and most important construction projects. Alongside these projects has come the inevitability of international arbitration over disputes arising from them. While the disputed issues may be generally described as typical in construction law – contractual notice, non-payment, scope variations, limitation of liability, and damages – the applicable law may be counter-intuitive…
External Publications 14 Apr, 2023
Legal 500 have announced their EMEA results and we are proud to announce that Outer Temple Chambers, and our barristers, have yet again been ranked for our commercial expertise at the English Bar in the Middle East. These rankings reflect competency in providing expert advisory and advocacy services and facilities for contract and commercial, financial, regulatory, taxation and trusts, employment and arbitration work in the UAE and across the Middle East. Outer Temple Chambers has a well-established presence in the Middle East, with a registered office and members on the ground. Legal 500 noted our particular expertise in commercial litigation and arbitration, company and employment law, shipping, and regulatory issues. Tier 2 Set Outer Temple Chambers has been ranked as a…
News 13 Apr, 2023
Barristers from Outer Temple will join the line up of speakers at the Commercial Bar Association Inaugural Gulf Meeting in Dubai on Thursday 23rd February. The Gulf Committee is pleased to announce that the COMBAR Gulf Meeting will take place in Dubai, on Thursday 23 February 2023. The meeting will involve an afternoon of seminars, with an emphasis on collegiate discussion between professionals across a number of jurisdictions, followed by a drinks reception in the evening. This event will consist of two panel discussions. Andrew Spink KC will act as Chair the first panel discussion on the topic of Digital Assets. Justina Stewart will then join the second panel to discuss Jurisdiction. David Russell KC, Philip Punwar, Sean Yates and Stephen Doherty…
News 21 Feb, 2023
Dubai based barrister and member of Outer Temple Chambers, Philip Punwar, has been invited to join the panel of judges at the Middle East Legal Awards 2023, to be held on the 18th May at Le Méridien, Dubai. The Middle East Legal Awards (MELA), now in their 11th year, are the region’s premier legal awards. The Awards are open to all law firms and in-house legal departments with a presence in the region to celebrate outstanding achievement within the profession. By recognising exceptional achievement and best practice they underline the crucial role lawyers are playing in promoting the rule of law. The Awards are sponsored by ACC (Association of Corporate Counsel) and include In House and Private Practice categories such as…
News 15 Feb, 2023
Joshua Hitchens, along with Annabel Thomas, Gavin Costelloe and Bethany Histed (of Greenberg Traurig LLP) consider one of the first major judgments on the effects of the Russian sanctions regime on commercial litigation involving parties subject to asset freezes following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. On 27 January 2023, Mrs Justice Cockerill handed down judgment in PJSC National Bank Trust & anor v Mints & ors [2023] EWHC 118 (Comm) in which she considered the effect of the Russian sanctions regime on commercial litigation involving parties who are designated persons. Under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (the “Regulations”), all assets of a designated person are frozen, meaning no person may deal in them, and no person may make available any…
News 9 Feb, 2023
Outer Temple’s David Russell KC will be speaking at the ThoughtLeaders4 ‘FIRE Middle East’ conference taking place between 13th & 15th November 2022, at The Shangri-La Hotel, Dubai. David will be on a panel discussing the ‘The Nuances of Litigation in UAE – Interaction between the DIFC and Other Regional Courts’ on Monday 14th November. Outer Temple are thrilled to be an event partner for the conference. To book your place, please use our 15% discount code FME22 here. Find out more David Russell KC specialises in commercial, private client including tax, insolvency, and banking disputes. He is based in Dubai is admitted to practise in England and Wales, Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and the Courts of the Dubai International Financial…
Events 9 Nov, 2022