Insights / News
Insights / News
Issue 12 of the Disputes magazine, ‘Clarity in Conflict: New Perspectives On Dispute Resolution’ highlights a collection of articles illuminating the complexities and contradictions at the heart of legal disputes. Drawing from a range of complementary themes: Emerging Tech, Sovereign & States, Corporate Crime, Property Disputes, Financial Institutions, and HNWs in Disputes, each theme offers a comprehensive exploration of the issues at hand, shedding light of the ever-changing nature of legal conflicts.
Lucian ILIE of Outer Temple Chambers was published under the Sovereign & States section. “Sovereign Immunity” is a principle of international law, which is applied in accordance with the law of the forum. The concept of “Sovereign Immunity” in the United Kingdom is rooted in common law principles. Over time, this principle has evolved, meaning that the concept of sovereign immunity is not absolute anymore but only restrictive to acts of a governmental nature (acta jure imperii). As a result, acts of a commercial nature (acta jure gestionis) do not enjoy immunity.
Lucian’s article focuses on Immunity from Adjudication, Immunity from Enforcement, and the Enforcement of ICSID Awards in England.
To read Lucian’s article titled ‘Sovereign Immunity and the Enforcement of ICSID Awards in England’, click here.
To read the full magazine article, click here.
Lucian is an English barrister, and a French and Romanian avocat specialising in international law, transnational litigation and international arbitration, with particular expertise in investor-State disputes and commercial arbitration cases. Combining experience of civil law culture with common law know-how, Lucian’s practice areas include: (i) International Arbitration (including arbitration-related litigation), (ii) Private and Public International Law (including rules of jurisdiction, conflict of laws, enforcement of foreign judgments/awards, State immunity, extradition, ECHR law), (iii) International Organisations, and (iv) International Commercial Litigation (including before the English, French, DIFC and ADGM courts).
To find out more about Lucian, contact Sam Carter on +44 (0)203 989 6669 or George Bennett on +44 (0)207 427 0807.
External Publications 14 Mar, 2024