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Limitation provisions during lockdown for personal injury & clinical negligence matters

Carin Hunt considers limitation issues resulting from the COVID-19 lockdown in her article for Lexis PSL.

In the Lexis PSL article, ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19)—limitation provisions during lockdown for PI and clinical negligence matters’, Carin Hunt considers the consequences of Covid-19 for the limitation of personal injury and clinical negligence claims. Carin looks at delays to the conduct of litigation caused by the pandemic, and considers the use of standstill agreements and the operation of section 33 of the Limitation Act 1980 to keep claims in time.


If you have subscription to Lexis, you may read the article here. 

About the Author

Carin Hunt joined Chambers in September 2019, following her pupillage and she is developing a busy practice in the areas of clinical negligence, personal injury, international injury, employment, education, private client and public law.

Find Out More

If you would like to discuss any of the issues covered in this article please contact Carin Hunt directly or via her practice management team;  Paul Barton or Mark Gardner on +44 (0)20 7353 6381 who would be happy to have a discussion in the strictest of confidence.

Covid-19 12 Aug, 2020


Carin Hunt

Call: 2018

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