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International Organisations


Alex Haines and Victoria Brown successful in access to justice argument before the OAS Administrative Tribunal

Following their win before the OAS Administrative Tribunal in the case of Griner v Secretary General of the OAS Judgment 169 (31st August 2022), Alex Haines and Victoria Brown have secured another victory in the case of LaGuerre v Secretary General of the OAS, Resolution 413 (21st October 2022). After Mr LaGuerre’s case had been filed in March 2022, the OAS filed two motions: “Motion to dismiss the case in its entirety for being frivolous and failing to make a claim upon which relief can be granted”. “Motion in support of imposition of the filing fee therefore denying and dismissing the Complainants request for a waiver of said filing fee with prejudice”. The issue of wider interest in this case…

News 2 Dec, 2022

David Russell QC and Stephen Doherty successful in DIFC Court of Appeal

After a long running dispute, the DIFC Court of Appeal has dismissed the claim in Massun v Mousi & Ors. Outer Temple members, David Russell QC and Stephen Doherty, acted for the Second and Third Defendants. After a long running dispute, the DIFC Court of Appeal has dismissed the claim in Massun v Mousi & Ors. Outer Temple members, David Russell QC and Stephen Doherty, acted for the Second and Third Defendants. The Claimant had claimed to have a beneficial interest in the shares of certain companies at the top of two corporate structures. Two large assets were held in these corporate structures, registered to companies at the bottom of the structures. The Claimant claimed that the companies had tried…

News 2 Aug, 2022

Alex Haines and Courtney Step-Marsden instructed in mini-class action against the Islamic Corporation

Alex Haines and Courtney Step-Marsden have been instructed in a mini-class action against the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector before the Islamic Development Bank Group Administrative Tribunal. The newly established Islamic Development Bank Group Administrative Tribunal (IsDBGAT or Tribunal) is based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and hears cases brought by international civil servants who work at the Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDBG). The IsDBG is comprised of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Islamic Research & Training Institute (IRTI), Islamic Corporation for Development of the Private Sector (ICD), Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC), and International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC). The IsDBG is a regional Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) whose mission includes the promotion…

News 12 Jul, 2022

Lucian ILIE joins Outer Temple Chambers

Outer Temple Chambers is delighted to welcome the arrival of Lucian ILIE, a former senior associate at Reed Smith LLP, London. Lucian is a specialist in international law and international arbitration, with particular expertise in investor-State and commercial arbitration disputes. Lucian ILIE combines his experience of both civil law culture with common law know-how within International Arbitration, International Organisations, Private and Public International Law and International Commercial Litigation. Before moving to the English Bar, during almost 10 years, Lucian has advised and represented parties throughout Europe, the Middle East and the CIS countries in arbitration matters in various industry sectors including construction, telecoms and energy and under many arbitration rules such as ICSID, UNCITRAL, PCA, SCC, ICC, LCIA and SCAI,…

News 1 Jul, 2022

Alex Haines and Jeremy Scott-Joynt instructed in International Monetary Fund Administrative Tribunal

Alex Haines and Jeremy Scott-Joynt are instructed in a case involving the criteria for reclassification from Economist to Financial Sector Expert for an international civil servant before the International Monetary Fund Administrative Tribunal (IMFAT) in Washington DC. The case deals not only with the personal consequences of the IMF’s decision for the Applicant, but also with the novel issue of whether a regulatory gap – in this case the lack of formal criteria (being in fact unpublished, undisclosed and rarely applied) – is within the IMFAT’s jurisdiction. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), having been conceived in July 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference in New Hampshire, formally came into existence on 27th December 1945 when its first 29 member countries signed its…

News 6 May, 2022

Alex Haines and Henry Reid instructed in case before the African Union Administrative Tribunal

Alex Haines and Henry Reid have recently been instructed in a case before the African Union (“AU”) Administrative Tribunal, an international administrative tribunal (similar in nature to both the World Bank Administrative Tribunal and United Nations Dispute Tribunal) which is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The African Union The AU is a continental union and regional organisation – equivalent to the European Union – consisting of the 55 member states that make up the countries of the African continent. In 2001, the AU was created to replace the Organisation of African Unity (“OAU”) and it was officially launched in 2002. The evolution of this institution was the outcome of a consensus by African leaders that there was a need to refocus…

News 6 Apr, 2022

Jeddah Skyline

Alex Haines and Victoria Brown instructed before the newly established Islamic Development Bank Administrative Tribunal

Two members of Outer Temple’s International Organisations Law have been instructed in the first set of cases before the Islamic Development Bank Administrative Tribunal (IsDBAT) which is based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Alex Haines and Victoria Brown have been instructed in a case before the IsDBAT in a case involving an allegation of unlawful termination of employment. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) is a Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) whose mission includes the promotion of social and economic development in Member States and Muslim communities worldwide. The present membership of the IsDB consists of 57 countries, with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia funding almost a quarter of its total capital.   The IsDBAT is a judicial body that functions independently of the IsDB; its…

News 14 Mar, 2022

World Bank

Alex Haines and Carin Hunt instructed in World Bank Administrative Tribunal sex discrimination case

Two members of our International Organisations Law Team have been instructed in a case before the World Bank Administrative Tribunal in Washington DC against the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Alex Haines and Carin Hunt have been instructed in a case before the World Bank Group’s Administrative Tribunal (WBAT) involving an allegation of indirect sex discrimination. The WBAT was established by the Board of Governors of the Bank in 1980. It acts as a judicial forum of last resort for the resolution of cases submitted by World Bank Group staff members alleging non-observance of their contracts of employment or terms of appointment. The WBAT’s decisions are final and binding on the Bank. The WBAT is composed of seven judges, all of whom…

News 16 Feb, 2022

World Bank

Alex Haines and Victoria Brown successful in two cases at the World Bank Administrative Tribunal

Alex Haines and Victoria Brown successfully represented the applicants in two recent WBAT cases. The World Bank Administrative Tribunal (“WBAT”) delivered last week its 8th November 2021 judgments in Cases Nos. 659 (GH v International Finance Corporation) and 660 (GI v International Finance Corporation).  Alex Haines and Victoria Brown represented two Heads of Funds at the International Finance Corporation (“IFC”), one of the five World Bank Group Agencies together with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“IBRD”), International Development Association (“IDA”), International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (“ICSID”) and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (“MIGA”). The decision The WBAT ordered the IFC to pay compensation to the Applicants in the amount of six months’ salary net of taxes for the…

News 16 Dec, 2021

Alex Haines successful against IMO’s Applications for Interpretation of Judgment before the UN Appeals Tribunal, New York

The United Nations Appeals Tribunal (UNAT) has dismissed as “misplaced” the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Secretary-General’s July 2021 applications for interpretation of the landmark 2019 UNAT judgments on the IMO’s international justice system in which Alex Haines, assisted by Stephen Butler, was instructed by the successful claimants. On Friday 19th November 2021, the UNAT in New York – sitting as a full bench (i.e., all seven judges) – released its 29th October 2021 Judgment No. 2021-UNAT-1148 in the case of Fogarty, Sheffer, Spinardi, Dispert and Hoe (Respondents) v Secretary-General of the IMO (Applicant) (the “2021 Judgment”). Mr Haines represented Mr Sheffer, Ms Dispert and Ms Hoe. The 2021 Judgment on interpretation is relevant to the international justice systems of several…

News 25 Nov, 2021

Outer Temple’s growing International Organisations Law Team

Members of the OTC International Organisations Team have been instructed in several high profile cases this year, including Sanctions Law disputes and cases before the World Bank Administrative Tribunal, United Nations Appeals Tribunal, United Nations Dispute Tribunal and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Administrative Tribunal. But what exactly is International Organisations Law? How many international governmental organisations (“IOs”) exist today? This seemingly straightforward question has kept academics, researches and practitioners busy mostly because nobody knows for certain.  There are, on any view, hundreds of IOs: the Oxford Handbook of IOs puts the figure at more than a thousand while Murdoch University in Australia settles on around 800.  Some commentators are of the view that the figure is closer to…

News 18 Dec, 2020

World Bank

Alex Haines and Victoria Brown instructed to appear at the World Bank Administrative Tribunal in Washington DC

Two members of Outer Temple’s International Organisations Law Team instructed in cases before the World Bank Administrative Tribunal in Washington DC. Alex Haines and Victoria Brown have been instructed in two cases before the World Bank Group’s Administrative Tribunal (WBAT). The WBAT was established by the Board of Governors of the Bank in 1980. It acts as a judicial forum of last resort for the resolution of cases submitted by World Bank Group staff members alleging non-observance of their contracts of employment or terms of appointment. The WBAT’s decisions are final and binding on the Bank. The WBAT is composed of seven judges, all of whom are nationals of difference Bank Member States. The WBAT is governed by its Statute…

News 3 Dec, 2020

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