News & Events



Sam Carter joins Outer Temple Chambers’ Business Team

Outer Temple Chambers is delighted to welcome Practice Director Sam Carter to our business team. Sam Carter joins the practice management team today, with responsibility for our commercial and international teams. With a wealth of experience in international ADR, he will be taking a particular interest in driving forward our thriving international arbitration team. Sam has been clerking for over 15 years, and previously worked with the business team at Outer Temple so already knows the team well. He has spent the last few years in senior clerking roles and was most recently Managing Director of an international arbitration set, focusing on alternative dispute resolution on a global scale. He has worked with clients throughout London and Europe, US and…

News 4 May, 2021

Robert Rhodes QC to speak at the The Singapore Mediation Convention 2021

Robert Rhodes QC, FCIArb has been invited by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators to speak at a Webinar on 22 April about the Singapore Convention on Mediation. It is hoped that the recent Singapore Convention on Mediation will have the groundbreaking consequences for international commercial mediation that the New York Convention of 1958 has had for international commercial arbitration.  Its purpose is to simplify the enforcement of international commercial mediation agreements. Robert Rhodes QC, FCIArb and James Ng MCIArb will introduce the key elements of the UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (known as the Singapore Convention on Mediation) and will discuss its relevance to the UK even though the UK have yet to sign up to…

Events 19 Apr, 2021

A Discussion with Anthony Lo Surdo SC on Mediation Advocacy

In a Q&A session with Legalwise Seminars, Anthony Lo Surdo SC shares his insights into mediation advocacy. Anthony has acted as mediator in a vast array of matters since he was first accredited in 1993. He has mediated hundreds of complex, multi-party disputes since 2009. He uses his experience as both Senior Counsel and as a mediator to quickly identify the issues and to gain an understanding of the position of each party in the mediation so as to assist in facilitating a fair and efficient resolution to a dispute. In a Q&A session with Legalwise Seminars, Anthony gave his thoughts on the following questions: What are some important considerations when choosing a mediator? What are some common misconceptions about mediation?…

Legal Blogs 11 Feb, 2021

Robert Rhodes QC appointed to Panel of Mediators of APCAM

We are delighted to announce that Robert Rhodes QC has been appointed to the Panel of Mediators of the Asia Pacific Centre for Arbitration & Mediation Centres (APCAM). Asia Pacific Centre for Arbitration & Mediation Centres (APCAM) is an international ADR centre formed jointly by about ten arbitration and mediation centres from the Asia-Pacific countries. They cover alternative dispute resolution in the following countries: India Australia Hong Kong Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Nepal Robert was appointed to APCAM’s panel of neutrals in January 2021 which offers a number of experienced arbitrators and mediators from across the globe. You can view Robert’s APCAM profile here. Robert is noted for his conciliatory approach to conflict and is already on the panels of mediators of…

News 28 Jan, 2021

Robert Rhodes QC presents at the Singapore Convention on Mediation Dialogues with Shanghai Free Trade Zones

Robert Rhodes QC will be speaking at the Singapore Convention on Mediation Dialogues with Shanghai Free Trade Zones on Friday 13th November. Launched in 2013, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone (SFTZ) now hosts more than 50,000 member companies. The Singapore Convention on Mediation Dialogues with Shanghai Free Trade Zones will be held on 13th November at the Shanghai OCT Law Firm and will also be streamed online for guests to interact with the speakers. Robert Rhodes QC will be presenting on The Advantages of Mediation in Resolving Foreign Commercial Disputes You can register for the event and find out more here. Find out more Robert Rhodes QC specialises in business crime (e.g. civil and criminal fraud, tax investigations, bribery and money laundering),…

News 6 Nov, 2020

Robert Rhodes QC appointed to Panel of Mediators of the International Commercial Mediation Center for the Belt and Road Initiative

We are delighted to announce that Robert Rhodes QC has been appointed to the Panel of Mediators of the International Commercial Mediation Center for the Belt and Road Initiative. The International Commercial Mediation Center for the Belt and Road Initiative is a world-leading dispute resolution service,  well suited to disputes that arise in relation to the Belt and Road development strategy, to promote economic co-operation along proposed Belt and Road routes. The Belt and Road initiative aims to build connectivity and cooperation between China, the land-based Silk Road Economic Belt, and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The “Belt” refers to economic and overland transport links connecting China to Central Asia and Europe via six economic corridors, while the “Road” indicates…

News 20 Oct, 2020

Robert Rhodes QC speaking at the SCLA Global Forum of International Mediation

Robert Rhodes QC will give the first keynote speech at the Swiss Chinese Law Association Global Forum of International Mediation on 25th September 2020. The Swiss Chinese Law Association will be holding their Global Arbitration Forum (Online), which to be held on 25th September 2020. This forum fosters the exchange of views on the development of ADR, enhancing knowledge, and best practices, giving new ideas, ensuring the best understanding of ADR, and learning from other cultures. The forum will focus on: the practical issues of online dispute resolution, culture challenges on the ADR, Update Issues on the International Investment Mediation and the Challenges and Opportunities of the Singapore Convention on Mediation. Robert’s speech will focus on online dispute resolution and…

News 18 Sep, 2020

Remote Mediation: The New Normal and the Future

Elaine Palser explores the advantages (which are considerable) and the disadvantages (which are surmountable) of remote mediation and considers what the future holds for settling cases. Remote mediation works Before I took part in my first remote mediation I was sceptical.  I was convinced that it would be inferior to in-person mediation.  To my surprise, it worked extremely well.  In fact, I came away wondering if remote mediation was better than in-person mediation.  Many others have also had remarkably positive experiences of remote mediation. Mediation is a very successful means of settling cases.  According to the CEDR mediation audit 2018, 89% of cases settle through mediation; 74% at the mediation itself and 15% shortly thereafter.  The fact that remote mediation…

Legal Blogs 1 Jun, 2020

Robert Rhodes QC added to the Supreme People’s Court pool of experts for discerning foreign law

Through Benchmark Chambers International  & Benchmark International Mediation Centre The Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China adds Robert Rhodes QC to the SPC’s pool of experts for discerning foreign law. Robert Rhodes QC specialises in business crime (e.g. civil and criminal fraud, tax investigations, bribery and money laundering), international mediation and international arbitration (both as counsel and mediator / arbitrator), financial services, regulatory and disciplinary law. Should you wish to instruct Robert, please contact Matt Sale (+44 (0)20 7427 4910) or Peter Foad (+44 (0)20 7427 0807).

News 13 Dec, 2019

Outer Temple welcomes “seasoned legal gladiator” Elaine Palser

Outer Temple welcomes Elaine Palser who joins us as a new member of Chambers this week. Elaine has an extensive commercial and chancery practice, with a strong emphasis on contentious probate, trusts, insolvency, and related professional negligence. Ranked in several independent legal directories, Elaine is described as: “an excellent advocate”, “technically superb”, “very good with clients”, “a team player”, and “a seasoned legal gladiator” (Legal 500). Elaine is recommended as a Leading Junior for Insolvency and Private Client: Trusts and Probate. She has won several awards, including: Contentious Trusts and Probate Lawyer of the Year 2016 and 2017 (Women in Law awards) and Commercial Disputes Barrister of the Year 2015 (the Lawyer Monthly awards). With degrees in both law and…

News 3 Jun, 2019

Alex Haines instructed in case before United Nations Appeals Tribunal

Alex Haines, assisted by Stephen Butler, has recently been instructed in an appeal before the United Nations Appeals Tribunal (UNAT). The UNAT is the second and final instance of appeal within the UN internal system of justice.  The UNAT was established by the General Assembly in 2009 as part of the new UN internal justice system (replacing the old United Nations Administrative Tribunal). As the second level appellate review tribunal within the UN’s justice system, the UNAT reviews (1) appeals against judgments rendered by the UN Dispute Tribunal (UNDT), (2) appeals against judgments rendered by the Dispute Tribunal of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWADT), as well as (3) appeals of decisions…

News 15 Apr, 2019

International Dispute Resolution Conference 2019

Robert Rhodes QC is due to speak at the International Dispute Resolution Conference 2019 in Hong Kong, on 17th April 2019. The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, will open the event. Robert is the only English silk speaking at the Conference, which is expected to have 850 people attending. His session focuses on Investor Rights under Bilateral Investment Treaties. Jointly organised by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Hong Kong Mediation Centre and the International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute in collaboration with the Department of Justice, the one day Conference aims to encourage discussion on emerging trends in dispute resolution and examine the impact of the “Convention on…

News 10 Apr, 2019

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